From the Headmaster's Desk...



Welcome to S.Thomas’ College Gurutalawa.

Gurutalawa is our smallest school and yet our largest residential School. For most of our boys this campus will be their second home.

Another distinct characteristic of Gurutalawa is its environment. Its scenic location and the natural beauty of its surroundings are a bonus. Use the environment for the growth and development of the whole child in our care. Encourage outdoor activity. Re-introduce the outward bound course that was synonymous with Guru. Organise hikes and Camping and Cross Country runs. Rebuild the reputation of the past that the boys from Guru were respected for their resilience and toughness.  Our location is also an invitation to develop an environment friendly Campus. The advice of environmentalists and work towards becoming a model for caring for the environment. 

Our location in the mountains allows us to offer opportunities available to only a few schools in the country. The school offers unique extra-curricular activities such as Horse Riding, Swimming, Squash, Hiking, Cricket, Soccer, Hockey and an outdoor education that takes advantage of our spectacular surroundings.

We encourage parents to take an active part in your student’s education by communicating with teachers via email and taking part in Parent/Teacher Conferences. Working together with you as a team S.Thomas’ Gurutalawa can provide a positive, productive, and challenging school experience for all students.

Our goal is to challenge each child academically, help them grow emotionally and socially, and guide them into become independent thinkers. Students are encouraged to display good behavior and respond respectfully to everyone in our school while making good choices that will result in positive outcomes. I am proud to be the principal of such a fine school with dedicated teachers and staff members. However, the best part is that together with the community and parental involvement, we are moving students toward their individual goals and preparing them for an ever-changing future.

The school’s success depends on the partnership between students, staff, parents, teachers, administrators, and community members. Active parent participation is vital to a rewarding experience by all. With our efforts, we can make great strides toward helping our young people reach their potential and become respected citizens of our community. We can expect increased independence and acceptable models of behavior with a collaborative effort spanning in and out of school. Together we can foster a safe environment that produces students with strong, compassionate character capable of competing with the best of the best in a diverse world.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at school or composing an email.